Journal Articles and Book Chapters

List of publications with the contribution of CASER researchers (in chronological order)

Chiang, Yi-Lin and Ran Liu. 2024. “Adolescent Gender Attitudes and Adulthood Outcomes: A Longitudinal Study in Taiwan.” Social Science Research 119: 103000.

王彦蓉、吴晓刚. 2024. “年龄与发育进程问卷(ASQ)系统在中国社会调查中的适用性“, 《当代青年研究》2024年5月 第3期: 50-63.

Wu, Xiaogang, Yongjun Zhang and Tianji Cai (eds). 2024. “Computational Social Science: Application in China Studie.” Routledge 

Wu Xiaogang, Muzhi Zhou and Man Yee Kan (eds). 2024. “Fertility and Childcare in East Asia Gender Dynamics and Intergenerational Support“, Routledge 

Maocan Guo, Xiaogang Wu. 2024. “Heterogeneity, selection, and the policy effect of educational expansion on college graduate earnings in China, 1981–2015.” Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 90, 100912.

Xiaogang WuXin LiJia Miao. 2024. “Early Childhood Development and Social Mobility in China.” ECNU Review of Education, 20965311241240479.

Angran Li. 2024. “Parenting approaches, parental involvement, and academic achievement in US elementary schools.” British Journal of Sociology of Education: 1-21.

Miao, Jia. 2023. “Socio‐spatial differentiation and residential inequalities in Chinese cities.” Sociology Compass: e13174.
吴晓刚李欣. 2023. “中国早期儿童发展与社会流动”《华东师范大学学报 (教育科学版)》2023 年 第 10 期: 53-65.

Karl Yan, Shan Jiang, Lili Xia, Tianye Jin, Anran Dai, Chudie Gu, and Angran Li. 2023. “China’s zero-COVID policy and psychological distress: a spatial quasi-experimental design.” Journal of Social Policy: 1-18. doi: 10.1017/S0047279423000430.

Scott Davies and Angran Li. 2023. “Effects of summer numeracy interventions among French-language students in Ontario.” Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science / Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1037/cbs0000384.

Todd E. Vachon, Michael Wallace, and Angran Li. 2023. “Unions, democracy, and Trump: Deconstructing the COVID-19 vaccination crisis of 2021.” Social Science Research, 115: 102918.

Sangsoo Lee, and Myoung‐Jin Lee. “Religious Homogamy and Marital Satisfaction in South Korea: Exploring Variations across Religious Groups.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion (2023).

吴晓刚. 2023. “中国1953-2020 的人口普查:回顾与展望” 《社会科学杂志》. 第1卷第1期.

Mengyu Liu, Xiaogang Wu, and Juan Chen. 2023. “Income, deprivation, and social exclusion: toward a comprehensive poverty measurement in Hong Kong.” Journal of Asian Public Policy: 1-22.

Yongjun Zhang, Siwei Cheng, Zhi Li, and Wenhao Jiang. 2023. “Human mobility patterns are associated with experienced partisan segregation in US metropolitan areas.” Scientific Reports 13, no.1: 9768.

李晓光、陆瑶、吴晓刚. 2023. “高学历劳动者的教育失配”. 2023年第6期: 122-237.

Xin Li, Xiaoyang Ye, and Xiaogang Wu. 2023. “How college-student academic undermatch affects students: Quasi-experimental evidence on multifaceted student outcomes.” Social Science Research 113: 102896.

Anning Hu, Xiaogang Wu, Tao Chen, and Dongyu Li. 2023. “Family Socioeconomic Status and Chinese College Students’ Premarital Sexual Attitudes and Behavior.” Population Research and Policy Review 42, no. 3: 34.

尚进、吴晓刚. 2023. “ ‘差序格局’的形成及其变迁机制—— 一项基于行动者建模的研究” 《社会学评论》第 12卷第 3 期.

陈伟、吴晓刚. 2023. “宏观阶层结构与主观阶层认同  ——  基于调查实验法的结果”《学术月刊》第 55卷第 4 期

Wei Chen and Jia Miao. 2023. “Does the Internet Moderate the Neighborhood Effect? Internet Use, Neighborhoods, and Mental Health among Older Adults in ShanghaiInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(3), p.2267.

Donglin Zeng, Xiaogang Wu, and Wei Chen. 2023. “Spatial concentration and the social distance of migrants: Evidence from Shanghai.Chinese Journal of Sociology: 2057150X231152375.

Xiaogang Wu and Maocan Guo 2022. “Who Rises Higher in First Job Attainment? Trends and Patterns of School-to-Work Transition in Hong Kong” chapter 14 in Transition to Adulthood in East Asia, Edited by Chin-chun Yi and Ming-chang Tsai, Sage [in press]

Duoduo Xu, Shuheng Jin, Ngai Pun, Jiao Guo and Xiaogang Wu. 2022. “The Scarring Effect of First Job Precarity: New Evidence from a Panel Study in Hong Kong.“ Work, Employment and Society [accepted]

He, Dongsheng, Jia Miao, Yi Lu, Yimeng Song, Long Chen, and Ye Liu. 2022. “Urban Greenery Mitigates the Negative Effect of Urban Density on Older Adults’ Life Satisfaction: Evidence from Shanghai, China”. Cities. DOI: 10.1016/j.cities.2022.103607.

Donglin Zeng, and Xiaogang Wu.2022. “Neighborhood collective efficacy in stressful events: The stress-buffering effect.” Social Science & Medicine: 115154.

Xu, Duoduo, and Xiaogang Wu.2022. “Separate and unequal: hukou, school segregation, and educational inequality in urban China.” Chinese Sociological Review: 1-25.

Wu, Xiaogang, and Maocan Guo.2022. “Higher education expansion and the changing college wage premium in Hong Kong, 1976–2016.” Chinese Journal of Sociology 8, no. 1: 3-28.

Hu, Anning, Xiaogang Wu, Dongyu Li, and Tao Chen. 2022. “Cultural Reproduction and Cultural Mobility from a Comparative Perspective: Mechanism-Based Elaboration and Decomposition.” Comparative Education Review 66, no. 2: 253-279.

Jia Miao, Xiaogang Wu. 2022. “Social Consequences of Homeownership: Evidence from the Home Ownership Scheme in Hong Kong“, Social Forces. soac011

Jia Miao, Xiaogang Wu & Donglin Zeng. 2022. “Promoting ageing in place in Hong Kong: neighbourhood social environment and depression among older adultsJournal of Asian Public Policy.

Wu, Xiaogang. 2021. “Covid-19, Partisan Politics, and the Change of American Attitudes toward China: Findings from A National Longitudinal Study in the US.Journal of Politics and International Affairs. Fall 2021. Vol XXVIII. No.1: 10-17.

Hu, Anning, Xiaogang Wu. 2021. “Cultural capital and elite university attendance in ChinaBritish Journal of Sociology of Education, VOL. 42, NO. 8, 1265–1293

Wu, Xiaogang, Xiaoguang Li, Yao Lu and Mike Hout. 2021. “Two tales of one City: unequal vulnerability and resilience to COVID-19 by socioeconomic status in Wuhan, ChinaResearch in Social Stratification and Mobility 72, 100584

Hu, Anning, Xiaogang Wu, Tao Chen. 2021 “Changing subjective wellbeing across the college life: survey evidence from China.Chinese Sociological Review, 2021, VOL. 53, NO. 4, 409-429

Xu, Duoduo, Xiaogang Wu. 2021. “From political power to personal wealth: Privatization and elite opportunity in post-reform ChinaJournal of Contemporary China VOL. 30, NO. 132, 993–1013

He, Guangye, Xiaogang Wu. 2021. “Family status and women’s career mobility during urban China’s economic transitionDemographic Research 44, 189-224

Zeng, Donglin, Xiaogang Wu and Zhuoni Zhang. 2021. “Residential and industrial enclaves and labor market outcomes among migrant workers in Shenzhen, ChinaJournal of Ethnic and Migration Studies: 1-23

Chen, Yunsong, Xiaogang Wu. Anning Hu, Guangye He, Guodong Ju. 2021. “Social prediction: a new research paradigm based on machine learningThe Journal of Chinese Sociology, 8(1), 1-21.

Zeng, Donglin, Xiaogang Wu. 2021. “Exposure to suicide in residential neighborhood and mental distress symptoms in Hong Kong: Aspatiotemporal analysisHealth and Place, v. 67, January 2021: 102472

Maocan Guo. 2021. “Understanding the consequence of higher educational expansion in China: a double-treatment perspective.Chinese Sociological Review 53 (4), 333-358

Kan, Man Yee., Guangye He., and Xiaogang Wu 2021, “Satisfaction with Family Status and Housework Participation in Modern China”, Kan, M.-Y. and Blair, S.L. (Ed.) Chinese Families: Tradition, Modernisation, and Change (Contemporary Perspectives in Family Research, Vol. 16), Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 65-87.

吴晓刚 2021.“社会凝聚力建设的中国道路” 《中国社会科学报》2021-10-20.

吴晓刚 2021. “数字化赋予社会结构变迁新动力” 《中国社会科学报》2021-08-20, 《新华文摘》2021 年第 20 期 19-20.

曾东林, 吴晓刚, 陈伟 2021. “移民的空间聚集与群体社会距离: 来自上海的证据.” 《社会》2021 年第 5 期.

吴晓刚、李晓光 2021. “中国城市劳动力市场中教育匹配的变迁趋势:基于年龄、时期和世代的动态分析” 《中国社会科学》2021年第2期

李晓光,吴晓刚 2021. “同城异郁:新冠疫情下的性别、阶层与心理健康差异” 《人口与发展》第 27 卷第 6 期.

王琼琼,丁延庆,李欣,吴晓刚,叶晓阳 2021. “低分高录或高分低录,哪个更(不)好?—对高考录取不匹配的效果估计” 《教育经济评论》 6(3): 38-62.

贺光烨、张瑶、吴晓刚. 2021.“教育程度越高,结婚越晚吗?婚姻市场上本地户口的调节作用” 《社会》2021年第2期。

胡安宁、吴晓刚、陈云松 2021. “处理效应异质性分析——机器学习方法带来的机遇与挑战” 《社会学研究》2021第1期:91-114

Miao, Jia, Donglin Zeng, and Zhilei Shi. “Can neighborhoods protect residents from mental distress during the COVID-19 pandemic? Evidence from Wuhan.” Chinese Sociological Review 53, no. 1 (2021): 1-26.

Bai, Xue, Zhonglu Li, Juan Chen, Chang Liu, and Xiaogang Wu. “Socioeconomic inequalities in mental distress and life satisfaction among older Chinese men and women: The role of family functioning.” Health & Social Care in the Community 28 (4), 1270-1281

Wu, Xiaogang. 2020. Fabricating Transnational Capitalism by Lisa Rofel and Sylvia J. Yanagisako (Publisher: Duke University Press 2019), American Journal of Sociology 126(1):178-180

陈伟、吴晓刚 2020. “房价上涨与城镇居民对地方政府的政绩评价” 《开放时代》294(2020第6期): 162-180

陈云松、吴晓刚、胡安宁、贺光烨、句国栋 2020. “社会预测:基于机器学习的研究新范式” 《社会学研究》2020年第3期:94-117.

He, Guangye, Xiaogang Wu 2019. “Foreign Domestic Helpers Hiring and Women’s LaborSupply in Hong Kong.” Chinese Sociological Review 51 (4), 397-420.

Wu, Xiaogang. 2019. “Inequality and Social Stratification inpostsocialist China.” Annual Review of Sociology 45, 363-382.

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