Chinese Sociological Review

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Call for Papers

Guest Editors
Zhuoni Zhang, HKUST (Guangzhou)
Jia Miao, NYU Shanghai

Community and Urban Governance in Comparative Perspectives

The rapid growth of cities fundamentally affects physical features, social interactions, and cultural and socioeconomic conditions of neighborhoods. Community and urban governance are facing a wide range of traditional and new challenges in the context of digitalization, globalization, international economic crisis, and the recent pandemic. Globally and locally, a multiplicity of socio-economic, institutional, and physical factors is shaping city developments and testing urban community’s capacity to respond to extraordinary situations such as dynamics and tensions between various stakeholders, changes in social ties and social cohesion, and socio-spatial concentrations of social problems. Building smart and equal cities has become a common goal for policy makers and academic researchers in urban studies across the globe. There are pressing needs for cross-disciplinary efforts to construct resilient and inclusive communities that promote social equity and the wellbeing of city dwellers.

This special issue welcomes interdisciplinary studies of community and urban governance in diverse countries and/or regions, with theoretical and empirical contributions in comparative perspectives. Submissions to this special issue might address one or more of the following topics:

  • Dynamics between government, civil society, and private/informal sector in urban governance and wellbeing of the residents
  • Digitalization and its implications for urban governance and social equality
  • Neighborhood effects on socio-economic, health, and mental health outcomes
  • Social cohesion and its determinants and consequences
  • Social processes through which neighborhoods/communities shape wellbeing of the residents
  • Social networks within and beyond neighborhoods
  • Socio-spatial inequality in access to various public services and facilities (e.g., housing, education, health care)
  • Innovative research methods and data collection techniques in urban studies
  • Comparative urban studies related to community and urban governance

Submission Guideline

Authors who want their work to be considered for publication in this special issue should email a proposal with a captioned title (CSR Community & Urban Governance) to and address to Guest Editors Zhuoni Zhang, Associate Professor, Urban Governance and Design Thrust, Society Hub, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou), and Jia Miao, Assistant Professor of Sociology, NYU Shanghai by August 15, 2022.

Proposals should be about 1,000 words long in total. They should include theoretical and/or empirical approaches to address the theme of the special issue, and/or how the proposed study will advance knowledge about community and urban governance.

Proposals submitted before the deadline will be selected based on their theoretical and/or practical contributions. The editorial team will invite the authors of the selected proposals to submit a full paper (no more than 9,000 words) by August 22, 2022. The full-length paper for peer reviews will be due on October 31, 2022. A workshop may be organized for authors to present their work and further improve their manuscripts. The special issue is expected to be published online before Summer 2023.

Chinese Sociological Review (CSR) (Print ISSN: 2162-0555 Online ISSN: 2162-0563), founded in 1968, publishes high-quality original works from sociologists and other social scientists. The mission of the journal is to advance the understanding of contemporary Chinese society and contribute to general knowledge in the discipline of sociology. All research articles will undergo a rigorous editorial screening and peer review process. The journal is intended for an international readership, now published by Taylor & Francis Inc. 530 Walnut Street, Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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