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Chinese Sociological Review

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Call for Papers

Guest Editors
Anning Hu, Fudan University
Angran Li, NYU Shanghai
Duoduo Xu, University of Hong Kong

Growing Up in a Time of Uncertainty: Rethinking Education and Inequality in Chinese Societies and Beyond

We are living in a time of tremendous uncertainty for our children’s future. The lingering COVID-19 pandemic, the rapidly changing policy environment, the foreseeable economic recession, and the clashing cultural repertoires, have fundamentally reshaped our educational institutions, generating long-lasting impacts on individual educational trajectories and outcomes as well as on social inequality and mobility. In Chinese societies, as in societies elsewhere, children, parents, teachers, and schools have to accommodate the unintended consequences of school closure, policy changes, and other interruptions during the time of uncertainty. Although new strategies and practices have been adopted to facilitate student learning, widening inequality impends to disrupt our educational systems and to leave many children behind.

Against this backdrop, Chinese Sociological Review (CSR) invites papers for a special issue on Growing Up in a Time of Uncertainty: Rethinking Education and Inequality in Chinese Societies and Beyond. This call invites authors to submit papers that consider various aspects of the relationship between education and inequality under a time of uncertainty in Chinese societies, preferably with a global and comparative perspective. We encourage submissions from various sectors, countries (areas), and disciplines. Both empirical (quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods) and theoretical studies are welcomed.

We are particularly interested in papers that explore the following questions:

  • What impact do the pandemic, policy changes, economic recession, and cultural shifts have on the future of primary, secondary, tertiary, and post-tertiary educational systems? How do these changes alter the existing educational inequalities and generate new ones at the individual, organizational, and national levels?
  • What are the macro-, meso-, and micro-level social mechanisms that can explain the emerging educational inequalities given the institutional transformations in response to those uncertainties?
  • What are the emerging strategies and practices adopted by families and schools that can help to close the gap in educational outcomes and build more equitable educational systems during the time of uncertainty?


We also welcome research addressing the following themes:

  • Chinese Meritocratic Educational Systems
  • Cultural Capital in Non-western Contexts
  • Policy Changes and Shadow Education
  • School Choice in Chinese Societies

Submission Guideline

Authors who want their work to be considered for publication in this special issue should email a proposal with a captioned title “CSR Education Special Issue” to and address to Guest Editors Anning Hu, Professor of Sociology, Fudan University, Angran Li, Assistant Professor of Sociology, NYU Shanghai, Duoduo Xu, Assistant Professor of Sociology, The University of Hong Kong, by August 31, 2022. Proposals should be about 1,000 words long in total and should articulate how the themes of the special issue are addressed.

The editorial team will consider the pool of proposals received by this deadline. Proposals will be selected based on their theoretical and/or practical contributions. Once been selected, the editorial team will invite the authors to submit a full paper (no more than 9000 words). Invitations to submit the full-length research papers will be sent out to authors by Sept 10, 2022. The full-length paper for peer reviews will be due on November 30, 2022. A workshop may be organized for authors to present their work and further improve their manuscripts. The special issue is expected to be published online before Fall 2023.

Chinese Sociological Review (CSR) (Print ISSN: 2162-0555 Online ISSN: 2162-0563), founded in 1968, publishes high-quality original works from sociologists and other social scientists. The mission of the journal is to advance the understanding of contemporary Chinese society and contribute to general knowledge in the discipline of sociology. All research articles will undergo a rigorous editorial screening and peer review process. The journal is intended for an international readership, now published by Taylor & Francis Inc. 530 Walnut Street, Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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