
Professor Wu Xiaogang Appointed Associate Editor of Sociology Compass

November 4, 2022

Professor Wu Xiaogang, the Director of Center for Applied Social and Economic Research (CASER) and Yufeng Global Professor of Social Science at NYU Shanghai, has recently been appointed as the Associate Coeditor of Sociology Compass. He will lead the journal’s section focusing on Social Stratification with Dr. Zhang Zhuoni, Associate Professor in the Urban Governance and Design Thrust Area of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou), and also a member of the JUST Lab.

Sociology Compass (Online ISSN:1751-9020) is an international journal published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. It primarily publishes survey articles that summarize the state of the field for non-specialists. Articles can discuss recent research or debates in a field, provide a comparative look across boundaries/disciplines, or offer a fresh perspective on a controversial topic. According to the Journal Citation Reports, the impact factor of Sociology of Compass is 2.538 in 2021, being ranked 60th among 148 sociology journals in the world.

As Associate Co-editors (formerly called Section Editors) in Social Stratification, Drs Wu and Zhang will be responsible for commissioning 10 review papers for the social stratification section and organize the peer review once commissioned papers are submitted.

Professor Wu is a leading scholar in research on Chinese inequality and social stratification. Currently, he serves as the Chief Editor the Chinese Sociological Review (ISSN: 2162-0555 [print], ISSN: 2162-0563 [online]) and a new Chinese journal《城市与社会学刊》 (Journal of Cities and Society) (ISSN 2957-4099), and the International Advisory board of many journals in sociology, including Social Forces and Research in Social Stratification and Mobility. Dr. Wu will work with Dr. Zhang to bring their rich experience in editorial service and research experience in mainland China and Hong Kong, their professional network in the Asia Pacific Region to the Social Stratification section of Sociology Compass.

Professor Wu was interviewed by Sociology Lens to share more information about his research background and aims for the social stratification section as he and Dr Zhang join the Sociology Compass editorial team. Check out the full article here.

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