
Professor Xiaogang Wu Awarded Research Grant from NYU Arts and Science

June 5, 2024

Professor Xiaogang Wu, the Director of CASER, has received a $49,700 research grant from the Fund for Research on China (FRC) at NYU Arts and Science. This grant will support his project, “Higher Education, Party Membership, and Elite Reproduction in Contemporary China: An Extension of the Beijing College Student Panel Survey 2009-2013 (BCSPS).” The project aims to analyze data from the Chinese General Social Survey (CGSS) spanning 2003 to 2021 and the Beijing College Student Panel Survey (BCSPS) from 2009 to 2013. This research will address key questions in the fields of social stratification and political sociology regarding China.

The FRC operates under the Dean for the Social Sciences and Vice Dean for Strategic and Global Initiatives at NYU Arts & Science, in collaboration with the Arts & Science Office of Research (ASOR). The FRC’s mission is to build a cohesive community of scholars engaged in extensive research and creative activities focused broadly on China. It supports and acknowledges their work while fostering opportunities for interdisciplinary collaborations. The FRC’s activities include awarding grants to Arts & Science faculty (as Principal Investigators) for scholarly or artistic projects centered on aspects of contemporary China, hosting presentations where grantees can share their research and accomplishments, and facilitating networking among China-focused scholars in a collaborative environment. For more information, visit FRC.

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