

The tuition fee for 2023 Summer School in Applied Social Science Research Methods is as follows:

  • Introduction to Computational Social Science [online instruction]:  RMB 1,500
  • Event History and Survival Analysis [on-campus instruction]:  RMB 2,000
  • Structural Equation Modeling [on-campus instruction]:  RMB 2,000


It is important to make full payment promptly upon receipt of your letter of acceptance to secure your place. The Summer School reserves the right to drop participants who have not paid before the deadline.

Please select your payment method by clicking one of the buttons below. It is recommended to process the payment via PC end. Please notify once you have made the payment, and indicate your name and amount of payment. We will confirm the receipt of your payment by email and issue the invoice (if required) later. Please note that all fees are subject to final confirmation by the University. All fees paid are non-refundable unless otherwise justified.

If you have encountered any problems during the process, please contact

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