History of the Summer School


In order to promote quantitative social science teaching, and to provide a systematic training curriculum for graduate students and junior scholars, CASER Director, Professor Xiaogang Wu, initiated the Summer School in Applied Social Science Research Methods in 2012, in partner with School of Sociology and Political Science at Shanghai University (SHU). The summer school, subsequently expanded to training classes in other cities such as Guangzhou, Nanjing, Wuhan, and Shenzhen, and in 2024, has now reached its 13th year.

The following training classes have been completed from 2012-2023:

2024 (Summer, to be held in Shanghai) 2023 (Summer, Shanghai)
2022 (Summer, Shanghai)
2021 (Summer, Shanghai)
2020 (Summer, Shanghai) 2019 (Summer, Shanghai)
2018 (Winter, Shenzhen) 2017 (Winter, Wuhan)
2017 (Summer, Shanghai) 2016 (Summer, Shanghai)
2015 (Winter, Nanjing) 2015 (Summer, Shanghai)
2015 (Summer, Guangzhou) 2014 (Winter, Guangzhou)
2014 (Summer, Guangzhou) 2014 (Summer, Shanghai)
2013 (Winter, Guangzhou) 2013 (Summer, Shanghai)
2012 (Winter, Guangzhou) 2012 (Summer, Shanghai)

Our past instructors included: Tianji CAI (University of Macau), Feinian CHEN (Univ. of Maryland, College Park), Shenyang Guo (Washington U, St. Louis), Guanglei Hong (Univ. of Chicago), Ge Lin Kan (Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas), Qing Lai (Florida International Univ.), Yongren Shi (Univ. of Iowa), Donald Treiman (UCLA), Raymond Wong (HKUST), Jun Xu (Ball State Univ.), Claire Yang (Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill), Min Zhou (Univ. of Victoria), Yongjun Zhang (State Univ. of New York, Stony Brook), Hongwei Xu (City Univ. of New York, Queens College).

The majority of courses are taught in Chinese. Since 2012, the Summer School has offered 49 courses to over 4,000 undergraduate and graduate students, junior researchers and practitioners in a wide range of disciplines, including sociology, economics, political science, psychology, demography, education, public health, business, and communication. Participants have come from more than 300 universities and institutions around the world and the Summer School has been recognized as a main training program and platform for fostering an expansive research community for quantitative social science in China.

To provide students with learning materials, junior scholars and graduate students from the program translated 67 books from SAGE Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences (QASS) into Chinese (https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/qass), published by Truth & Wisdom Press (格致出版社) in Shanghai.

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