
Xiaogang Wu named Global Scholar at Princeton University

September 16, 2021

Xiaogang Wu, Yufeng Global Professor of Social Science, and the Director of the Center for Applied Social and Economic Research at NYU Shanghai, was named a Global Scholar at the Princeton University, retrospectively, from Sept 1, 2020 to June 30, 2024. He will be hosted by the Paul and Marcia Wythes Center on Contemporary China (CCC).

As a Global Scholar, Prof. Wu is expected to deliver lectures suitable for University audiences beyond his host department or unit, to serve on occasion as a commentator on the lectures of others, and to provide consultation for Princeton graduate students and undergraduates pursuing research topics related to his field of expertise. He already delivered a virtual public lecture, “Pandemic and Politics: Diverse Response to COVID-19 Crisis in Wuhan, Hong Kong and the United States” on Apr 12, 2021 ( 

According to the information in the website of Princeton University (, the Global Scholars Program enables the University to recruit stellar scholars from outside the United States into recurring, multi-year appointments at Princeton in all disciplines and regional studies programs. The scholars are incorporated into departments’ and programs’ curricula and events, and engage in scholarly exchange with Princeton faculty and students. These appointments bring vital new voices from abroad to Princeton departments and classrooms to inaugurate and sustain durable ties between Princeton and academic centers of excellence around the world.

Wu is one of the three awardees in AY 2020-2021, along with two other scholars from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeir (Brazil), and Oxford University (UK).  

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